7 million Water Coolers in the USA
According to a recent report by Zenith International, the US water cooler has reached nearly 7 million units at the end of 2015. Bottled water coolers remain dominant accounting for 78% of the total new installations in 2015.
The emerging market for point of use mains water coolers grew by 9% in 2015 to 1.5 million units and represented 22% of the new placements.
The total water cooler market will surpass 8 million units by 2020 with mains water coolers to reach 30% of the market in the next 5 years as forecasted by Zenith International.
In comparison, the water coolers market in West Europe reached 2.9 million units in 2015. It is expected that it will grow to 3.2 million coolers by 2020.
As the quality of imported water coolers has significantly improved, the retail channel picked up around 10% market charge to the HOD channel in the last 5 years. In terms of distribution channels, HOD represented 82 %, retail 17% and online 1% of all bottled water cooler sales in 2015. Primo has become one of the largest water cooler manufacturers in the world. It is estimated that Primo sold about 2 million water coolers between 2010 and 2015.
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